Is It Fake or Real US Citizen Seen Mysterious Object in N Carolina?

Mysterious Object in N Carolina Sky Prompts Rumors About Secret US Spy Plane

Mysterious Object in N Carolina

In late May, a video of a large object hovering in the air above North Carolina's Norman Lake brought UFO enthusiasts to claim that extraterrestrial beings had arrived in the area.

North Carolina's Javione Hill, 35, said he had taken some photos of an alleged unidentified flying object (UFO) during a storm on August 18 while driving near the city of Charlotte, reports The Charlotte Observer.

"I was on my way home with my wife on the speaker phone, and it looked like there was a tornado coming, so I was trying to take a picture of the clouds for my wife. But then I saw something that wasn't normal and I was, like: 'Oh my god, what is that?' I started trying to take as many pictures of it as possible while I was driving," Hill was quoted by the newspaper as saying."
He admitted that he had "worried about his safety" and that he had "not believed in UFOs until then," which Hill said he felt so unnerved he could not sleep that night. 

The photo he posted on his Facebook page shows what looks like a kind of rectangular plane with lights being activated along the edges floating above the tree line. 

READ MORE: Alien Rave? Michigan Man Spots Mystery UFO Putting on Light Show (VIDEO)

UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists quickly realized that the mysterious object is nothing more than a sophisticated espionage plane known as TR-3B, an aircraft that officially does not exist, according to the website.

According to the Davenport National UFO Reporting Center, North Carolina ranks among the 50 US states for alleged UFO sightings. 

Over the past month, media reports have reported that a mysterious object above North Norman Lake North Carolina has proven to be one of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company's airships that normally use their airship fleet to take aerial photos of live sports events for the television.

Stay with Festivalinind for more updates on this developing story.
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